
Enslaved chapter 1

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TrunksLovers's avatar

Literature Text

by ~Alexia19

Hello I am GoldLove an inspiring writer. My beta is chichidark who has helped me with my stories. She did not beta this chapter so any grammer errors are mine.
This is a Trunks/male adult slave fan fiction. Please no one underage this story it is rated M for a reason.
I do not own the dragon ball Z nor any of its charters. The creators and funmation owns the rights.
Summary: In Mira Trunks time all the Z warriors, Bulma included have died from an alien invasion by a race of people know as the Ice-jins. Trunks the only one with any saiyan blood left has been captured in battle and sold as a personal slave to Lord Frieza. Meanwhile Android Seventeen with his sister have become Frieze's minions in exchange for planet earth being solely theirs. One day however one of the twins notices Trunk's defiance and wants the lavender-haired beauty for themselves.
Trunks heaved himself up from the mud his back felt like it was going to break from all bricks he was carrying.
A snap of a whip however set the bricks flying from his hands, while he fell on all fours.
"Get up slave rat!" An angry voice shouted before a kick landed in between Trunk's ribs causing the young demi to hiss in pain. Looking up to see his attacker Trunks was not overly surprised to see Gunu the head slave driver.
"I said get up runt!" The captain shouted grabbing Trunk's long lavender hair pulling the teen up by it.
"Let go of me!" Trunks yelled out glaring at the much bigger purple alien while trying to free his head from the captains grasp.
The older man growled at the boy's impotence grabbing his head even harsher.
Tugging the boy off his feet he brought the demi's face to his giving the boy a few good slaps. Trunks looked up from the slaps his icy blue eyes giving the only hint for what he was about to do. Taking a large gulp of air Trunks spat straight into Gunu's face.
A stunned look came over the alien's face. Only to be rapidly replaced by anger seconds later.
"Why you litt-'' "Gunu I see you're handling the slaves well." A high-pitched voice rang out interrupting the captain.
"Lord Frieza!" Gunu cried out momentarily forgetting Trunks by dropping him while he himself fell forward in a kneeling position at once. Frieza not seeming to caring about the kneeling figure at his feet instead sidestepped his right-hand man in favor of the lavender slave.
"Your Vegeta's son aren't you?" Frieza asked already seeming to know the answer just by looking at the boy's eyes. Which were glaring at him with black hatred while the boy's mouth refused to respond to him.
"Captain Gunu." Frieza's high pitched voice came out in barley a mummer.
The purple alien still kneeled but looked up to see Freiza circling the demi a pleased look on his face.
"How long has he been here?" Frieza asked kneeling down to get a better look at Trunks face. "Half a year Lord Frieza."
Trunks meanwhile was glaring daggers at the Ice-jin prince.
Until Frieza reached out his hand and stroked the young teen's face. Shock over came Trunks feature's and before he thought about it he instinctively bite down on the cold clammy hand holding him in place.
Frieza merely frowned at this the young demi was not strong enough to do any lasting damage. However Trunks would not leave unscratched either as a shift slapping noise filled the arena.
Trunks was sent hurling towards a column blood streaking his cheeks where Frieza had dug his nails in.
"Gunu take the boy up to my personal quarters, and do make sure to clean him up." Frieza said taking out a handkerchief and wiping off the half-saiyans blood off his face.
Without as much as a look at Gunu he threw the bloodied cloth at the alien and sidestepping Trunks unconuisis body as he left through the open doors.
After a moment when Gunu was sure Frieza had left before going over to the uncocnusis form. Looking down at the young boy Gunu thoughtfully stared into his face.
Then without warning he kicked Trunks
Hearing the boy groan and knowing he was alive Gunu picked him up like a sack of potatoes. Leaving in a hurry to Lord Frieza's chamber he did not notice the light blue eyes watching him leave.
Or see that head of golden hair fade into the blackness of the shade after he had left.
Well I hoped everyone enjoyed chapter one please review if you liked this.
First chappie!!
© 2010 - 2024 Alexia19
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